Paul Simons

Medium Paul – Galactic Psychic Medium (since 1978) over 30,500 in-person and online sessions. Facilitating positive change and providing assistance through multiple holistic modalities.

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Napa Valley, Northern California

Sedona, Arizona

Mexico City, Mexico

Paul Simons

Medium Paul – Galactic Psychic Medium (since 1978) over 29,000 in-person and online sessions. Facilitating positive change and providing assistance through multiple holistic modalities.

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Modalities & Workshops

I am ready to help you in many areas of your spiritual growth:

In Person & Online

Vogel Crystal Wand Energy Work

28 modalities of Vogel Crystal Energy work addressing all conditions and circumstances. I work in person or remotely using video chat, instant messaging, zoom, skype, or by telephone.

In Person & Online


In-person, video chat, instant messaging, and telephone astrology consultations to discuss birth charts, relationships.

In-Person & Online

Vogel Crystal Wand Energy Work

Vogel Crystal Energy has different modalities that address all conditions and circumstances. I work in person or remotely using video chat, instant messaging, Zoom, Skype, or by telephone.

Abuse & Trauma

Emotional charges of fear, anxiety, and trauma are often retained in the solar plexus and sacral chakras (actually, they can be in all 7 major chakras)


This is an energetic clearing of old programming of empathic and emotional trauma, blame, the story. the humiliation, fear, and anxiety associated with the events which you do not want to remember.

Ancestral DNA

There is Ancestral memory in everybody’s DNA from both the maternal and paternal lineage going back to the beginning of time. Often there is a disease or emotional or empathic trauma from ancestors which can interfere in a client’s life.


There is recorded memory in Antiques, 2nd hand jewelry, and “hand-me-downs” (used items) and they need to be energetically cleared of the people who owned and used the item or the energy of the original owner(s) will come through.

Blocked Chakras

The 7 major chakras should all be open and spinning freely. While this is the optimal condition, many people have a blocked or partially blocked chakra from unresolved conflicts.


External cords, attachments, implants, and hooks can take residence in a person and create confusion, alter the personality, and in extreme cases take over the person as a possession.

Cleaning Events

Sometimes the event space where a life cycle or important event is taking place has dissonant energy and needs clearing.


There is a technique for disconnecting “psychic vampires” people who drain your energy.

Cord Cutting

Cord-cutting disconnects cords between two people. Often, after leaving a job or ending a marriage/relationship, cords remain. I use several techniques to help severe all cords.

Collective Consciousness

Energy is dynamic and the collective energy in your house, in the neighborhood, town/city, state/province, and extending to the entire planet is felt collectively.

Earthbound Spirits

There are earthbound spirits that are stuck after an accidental or homicidal death or sudden transition which keeps the spirit of the deceased person from being able to fully transition.

Fear & Chronic Pain

Clearing fear directly reduces chronic pain. I have also seen many post-surgical patients who do not need narcotic pain medicine after major invasive surgeries.

Genetic Lineage

Everybody’s cellular DNA has genetic lineage memory stored and sometimes this helps elevate a person to accomplish more but other times there is a memory that makes it impossible to achieve success.

Loved One Loss/Suicide

Grieving and releasing the emotions brought up by transitioning can be overwhelming for many people. Often it’s impossible to eat, sleep, work, and function in general after the passing of a loved one.


Complete grounding or lack of grounding directly affects what we can manifest and accomplish. Many people are not completely grounded and cannot reach their goals in life.


There was a murder on a bus not far from my home in Brazil. The bus driver was stabbed multiple times and died in the driver’s seat. There were three different Homicide clearings needed.

House & Room

Furniture, fixtures, appliances, the personal property in a house take on and hold memory, both good and bad. Sometimes antiques need clearing which was passed down from grandparents or parents.

Neighborhoods & More

Collective consciousness clearing removes tension, aggression, and violence.

Office & Business

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Pre-op Surgery

Clearing of the hospital or medical office and the surgical nurses, surgeon, anesthesiologist, and other medical staff.

Psychic Surgery

This is a technique of calling in ascended masters, who then channel through the eyes, ears, mind, and hands of the surgeon.

Past Life

Sometimes traumatic past life memories inhibit or prevent people from fully functioning, often recurring nightmares and fear.

Relationship Resets

Sometimes relationships are out of control or miscommunication.

Emotional Charges

Clearing emotional charges stops pain, drama, trauma, and helps to reset the energy of all involved.

Weather Mitigation

Elemental energy, Earth, Water, Air, and Fire can all be balanced.

Sexual Abuse & Trauma

When sexual abuse occurs the sacral chakra holds memory and can result in reproductive organs related health problems such as infertility, in women painful menstruation, estrogen unbalances UTI’s, and cysts, tumors in the female reproductive organs. In men ED issues, testosterone imbalances, miscommunication.

Structured Water

Water holds a vibration and when you raise the vibration it has powerful healing properties and can infuse strong positive energy into whoever drinks it.

Virus Mitigation

Viruses can be mitigated by energy work in many cases, I will only work as a complementary modality with western medical care and am not a substitute for western medical care.

Case Study: Antique & 2nd Hand Jewelry Clearings

It is not commonly understood or generally known by the average person that there are recorded memories in antiques, 2nd hand jewelry, and “hand-me-downs” (used items), and they should be energetically cleared off the people who owned and used the item, or the energy...

Case Study: Earthbound Spirit Clearings

I have worked on helping earthbound spirits cross into the light.  Accidents, sudden “Unnatural” deaths, murders, and suicides can result in the spirit being earthbound and unable to cross into the light by themselves. The ego many times does not allow the spirit to...

Case Study: Ancestral DNA & Genetic Lineage Clearings

Do you constantly have money problems? Is your love life not working out? Do you find yourself repeating the same patterns? Do you keep attracting "bad boys" or "gold diggers” you know aren't good for you? Are you struggling to keep up financially and can’t figure out...

Case Study: Virus Mitigation Clearings

There are some innovative approaches to Virus Mitigation Clearings of great interest, such as before long Covid symptoms from previously infected people who do not feel 100% recovered. These virus mitigation energy clearings are distinctive and unique from all other...

Believe in things that can fortunately change your life.

I have extensive experience in Astrology, Divination (using Tarot, Pendulum, Palm, direct knowing), Channeling of Galactic Energy, Sacred Geometry, Crystal Grids, Crystal Healing, Usui Reiki, Laying of Hands, Paranormal Investigations, Creating & Opening and Sealing of Vortexes, Clearing of Cords, attachments, implants, hooks, entities and thought forms, Psychic surgery, clearing of spaces (houses, businesses, offices, traumatized locations, sites of crimes or accidents) Removal of possessions, clearing of genetic trauma passed down from the maternal and paternal lineages, clearing abuse trauma and Pet Psychic work.

Every client has unique needs and requirements, so whatever is requested, I try to help using all the resources I have available. I can work remotely by email, chat, audio/video conferencing, telephone, or in-person. Mentorship training is also available upon request for 6, 12, 18 months terms.


By agreeing to use the services of Medium Paul you agree that you have read and understood that all information is subject to the service recipient’s interpretation. Medium Paul will not be held liable for any interpretations or decisions made by recipients based on information provided during readings. These readings and energy sessions are for entertainment purposes only. All information and/or advice given to you by Medium Paul should not take the place of any medical, legal, or financial advice given to you by any qualified professional. All reading and energy sessions by Medium Paul are not a substitute for medical, legal, or financial advice. You must be 18 years of age to use the services offered on this website, or have written consent from a parent or legal guardian.